Thursday, November 29, 2012

Seal of Approval

We know. Some of you are booing and hissing at the title of this post, but it's true. We approve! This cement sculpture, a childhood memory for many Pueblo-ans has been refurbished and re-displayed at the City Park Zoo. Legend has it (see, now aren't you intrigued?) that this sculpture, originally cement colored, was accidentally buried under the rubble during construction work at what was once the Lion House. It wasn't discovered for years! Once it was found, the sea lions were repaired and painted black. If we re-call, the sculpture was originally in or around a fountain. The memory of water ponds on each side of the doorway going into the Lion House is vivid. But you know, we won't say how many years ago that was. All we know is that it disappeared and is now back again!
We'd sure love to hear from anyone that has more details!
Have a happy day everyone!


  1. Just testing the comment options. Please don't be deterred of commenting if you are asked to register. We won't send you anything, it just helps cuts down on our spam.

  2. Glad this is back on display!
